TCS Therapy
Sex Therapy or Psychosexual Therapy
Sexual problems can often be embarrassing for people to talk about and there are many people who experience sexual problems at some point in their lives.
These problems may be due to a lack of confidence; something not working as you would want it, because of an illness, or maybe after having children or you may have become surprised at a difficulty arising due to the ageing process.
In my clinic in Hove, nationally/internationally on-line or on the telephone with my help and experience of working therapeutically with individuals and couples, you will have the opportunity to discuss how the sexual problems started, what might be affecting your sex life now and working out what you would like to be different.
Sex therapy or sometimes called psychosexual therapy may be helpful in dealing with difficulties with orgasm, pain during intercourse, low sex drive, difficulty in controlling ejaculation or problems with erection.
Medical conditions and treatments can affect sexual desire and satisfaction, and it will be part of my assessment process to ascertain if this may be the case.
I am fully qualified and trained psychosexual therapist with a Post Graduate Diploma in Relationship (Sexual) Therapy and over the years I have successfully helped many clients with the issues listed below :-
Loss of sex drive
Loss of desire for partner
Vaginismus (penetration difficulties)
Dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
Anorgasmia (orgasmic inability)
Sexual phobia
Sexual addiction
Gender identity
Sexual orientation
Loss of sex drive
Loss of desire for partner
Erectile difficulties
Dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
Retarded ejaculation
Premature ejaculation
Sexual phobia
Sexual addiction
Gender identity
Sexual orientation